The Book of Hebrews: 1:10-14 (NLT)


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The Book of Hebrews (NLT): This Book argues for the superiority of Jesus Christ over the Jewish law and traditions, showing that He is the ultimate high priest and the perfect sacrifice for sin. The author emphasizes the need for perseverance in faith, warning against falling away from the truth and encouraging the readers to hold fast to their faith in Christ. The Book of Hebrews is located in the New Testament containing 13 chapters and a total of 303 verses. 


Author: Attributed to the apostle Paul, but its true author is anonymous. 


Theme: The superiority of Jesus Christ as the ultimate revelation of God and the fulfillment of the Old Testament law and prophecies. The new covenant that Jesus brought is superior to the old covenant under the law and faith is superior.


Timeline: Believed to have been written between AD 60 and AD 70 before the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple.


Structure: A New Testament letter written to Jewish Christians.


Recipients: Jewish Christians.


Importance: The book of Hebrews is considered authoritative scripture and provides important teachings on the person and work of Jesus Christ, as well as the superiority of faith and the new covenant over the old covenant. It is also considered profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness, as stated in 2nd Timothy 4:16.




Scripture Insights: 


Verses 10 through 12 continue with the theme that Jesus, the Son, is the creator of all. He laid the foundations for the earth and the heavens from the beginning. Things change and grow old but Jesus never changes and He remains forever.


Again we are reminded that Jesus is the creator and not a created being like the angels. He was given the place of honor at the right hand of God with the authority that goes with it. That honor was never given to angels including the angels Gabrielle and Michael.


Lastly, we are told that angels are ministering spirits, sent forth to minister to those who will inherit salvation. Angels not only do the will of God but surround us as well waiting for our instructions. Are we not part of those who will inherit salvation? When we received Jesus as our Savior we became part of the family. Salvation also includes preservation, healing, soundness, and deliverance. Jesus gave us His authority and we as His ambassadors on the earth can call on the ministering angels to help us in our affairs. We are not to worship or pray to angels, but we can command them to help us.




Today's Prayer


Father God, thank You for making me strong, healthy, wealthy, and wise. I know my words have power and I continue to use my words to speak victory and Your promises over my life so that I can see a victory today in Jesus name Amen. 


God Bless,



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