Today's Word & Prayer
Thought Exercise
Remember today that we all make plans for our lives but God has THE PLAN for our lives that might be a bit different from ours. It’s hard sometimes too when we don’t know what God is doing behind the scenes. But be peaceful today knowing that whatever God’s plan for your life is is much better than anything you might be able to see or conceive right now. Stay faithful and hopeful each day and work to get a bit better in the areas of your life that you are trying to improve. God will deliver for you like he always has done in your life up to now. Your breakthrough is right around the corner. Stay faithful and remember God’s Got You.
Today's Prayer
Father God, I know you have plans for my future that are great and beyond what I can see now. Keep me hopeful today especially when I feel lost or lonely along my journey. I know my journey is unique to me and your timing is perfect in every way. I declare victory over this day and a great blessed future ahead of me in Jesus name amen.
God Bless, Dayne |